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April 17th, 2010
Robert Lewis Storytelling, June 2010
Cherokees of Central Florida Thanksgiving/ 2010
Cherokee People: Past and Present
Cherokee Language
Pictures of the Cherokee People
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April 17th, 2010 -
This is a collection of pictures from our April 17th CCF Meeting attended by Tribal Coucil Represenative Dr. Julia Coates, Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Melanie Knight, and Cherokee Heritage Center Genealogist Gene Norris.
Robert Lewis Storytelling, June 2010 -
Pictures of our Storytelling presentation in June. Cherokee Citizen and Storyteller Robert Lewis visted us from the Cherokee Nation.
Thanksgiving Get Together with Principle Chief Chad Smith/ Nov 20th, 2010 -
Cherokee Citizens and CCF members from all over Central Florida gathered for a Cherokee Thanksgiving Get Together. It was attended by Principle Chief Smith, First Lady Bobbie Smith, and At-Large Tribal Council Represenatives Julia Coates and Jack Baker.
Cherokee People: Past and Present
- A collection of photographs from both the past and present of CCF Cherokee Citizens and their family. Cherokee Citizens that would like to post pictures of either themselves, their family, or their Cherokee parents, grandparents, ancestors, etc, please contact
, or bring them to one of our upcoming meetings to arrange for them to be scanned.